Building a National Movement

We have the opportunity and the responsibility to grow this movement until every aspiring teacher enters the profession through a paid residency.

System Change is
Within Reach

Across the nation, educators and policymakers are advocating for paid residency partnerships. State and federal legislative leaders are promoting and funding residencies. Districts and universities are building partnerships to create coherent programs that meet instructional and hiring needs. Universities are collaborating to create state-level definitions of teacher residencies to prompt state policy changes. National organizations have formed a coalition, Pathways Alliance, to promote these ideas.  

These shifts are meaningful because they align across all levels of the education system—a rare occurrence that signals the power and potential of this moment.

Teacher high-fiving a student at their desk in a classroom.

We Can Do This

In the 1920s, medical residencies initiated a shift toward paid clinical practice by building awareness and advocacy. Today, $12 billion a year in public funding–some $500,000 per new doctor–supports medical training. We can do the same for education—at a fraction of the cost. Local schools and districts can help build sustainability by reallocating school-based roles and funding candidates. Programs can embrace affordability principles. Districts and states can reprioritize spending to invest in residencies. And the federal government can directly support resident stipends while incentivizing these systemic shifts. Braiding funding sources to create sustainable, living wages for aspiring teachers builds the foundation for transformation of our schools.

Investing in paid residencies makes sense.

Every layer of the education system can and should support a shift to funded residencies. 

Investment Comparisons






Direct Subsidy payments to farmers


Maintenance and construction for the Department of Defense


Direct stipends of $40,000 for every current aspiring educator in clinical practice

Prepared To Teach implementation and research


Residents graduating from Prepared To Teach network partnerships in 2022


Return on philanthropic investment through sustainable funding in Prepared To Teach partnerships

44% and 67%

Proportion of teacher candidates’ debt accrued during clinical practice in undergraduate and graduate levels respectively.

the national movement

22 States

Supporting residencies through statute or regulation


Amount the State of New Mexico provides each teacher resident


California’s 5-year investment in teacher residencies


Increase in monthly news stories about residencies over 5 years


Projected addition to the future economy by replacing 10% of the least efficacious teachers—who are disproportionately those with substandard credentials—with well-prepared individuals

Partner Stories of Change

All across the nation, residency partnerships are transforming teacher preparation. Many of these partnerships are a part of the Prepared To Teach National Network. Here are a few highlights from partners we have worked with.

Brazosport ISD

Meeting Aspiring Teachers Where They Are

Brazosport Independent School District’s (BISD) registered teacher apprenticeship program has created what Prepared To Teach sees as a critical new approach that brings preparation programs, schools, and districts together to support aspiring teachers at any point in their journey.

Candidates enter the program through one of four “on-ramps” depending on their education levels. With this model, anyone can become prepared to teach, whether they are just starting their college career, had to take a break, or are almost at the finish line. Everyone who has completed the program so far is now in a paid teaching role in the district.

Longtime Prepared To Teach partners, BISD committed early on to sustainable funding, and today their apprentices’ salaries and benefits are supported with sustainable district dollars. BISD’s aspiring teachers—who reflect the diversity of the districts’ students—can now enter the profession debt-free and make a positive impact in their community. Read the full story here.

New Mexico Public Education Department

The State Takes the Lead

The New Mexico legislature has invested $35,000 per teacher resident—along with funding for mentors, principals, and program coordinators—to support quality teacher preparation through a full year, paid residency alongside a mentor teacher. Rather than simply administering the funds, the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) saw residency funding as an opportunity to recruit a more diverse teacher workforce while better preparing teachers through quality clinical preparation.

In partnership with Prepared To Teach, NMPED established a statewide community of practice to explore how residencies could build P-20 partnerships, collect and share data, strengthen pre-service placements through co-teaching models, and create powerful stories to recruit residents and spread the word about the power of teaching to change lives. Check back here soon for a video compilation from programs across the state—an incredible glimpse of the impact of the work this year!

San Diego Unified School District TEACH-LEAD

System Change from the District

San Diego Unified School District built a shared framework for residencies with the University of San Diego, San Diego State University, and the University of California San Diego. The residency partnership is designed to increase the diversity of educators in the San Diego Unified School District by providing a co-teaching experience that builds professional practice through a preservice clinical model guided by a high quality mentor teacher and rooted in culturally sustaining pedagogy and equity consciousness; that limits the uncertainty that may be experienced due to financial barriers; and that guarantees a pathway to employment and ensures the educators continue to develop throughout their career.

Everyone in the residency partnership is committed to increasing affordability for candidates. For example, The University of San Diego has reduced the number of credit hours and the time to completion for the teacher residency program, making it possible for students to complete the program at a reduced cost in less time.

Winthrop University

Rural Residencies Building Community

For years, Winthrop University in South Carolina has embraced both clinically rich teacher preparation and deep partnerships with districts. By securing federal grants, the College of Education has also been able to expand its reach, providing specialized programming to meet a wide range of district needs through strong pre-service preparation.  

For example, their NetSERVE program has brought teacher residencies to rural districts, building a strong cadre of new teachers committed to pursuing teaching careers in rural schools that often face high turnover. This video offers a look into the power of their approach.

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Collaborating for Affordability

The School of Education at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF) has been working collaboratively with Alaska school districts and external organizations since 1970 to pursue the goal of preparing effective Indigenous teachers for Alaska’s schools. In addition to honoring Indigenous knowledge, bringing local cultural knowledge to the forefront of curriculum, UAF has always centered affordability so that aspiring teachers have the time and preparation they need to competently and confidently teach in Alaska's schools.

Recently, adding to this decades-long tradition, UAF has engaged in cross-university collaboration in the state to build a scholarship program to fund residents. The collective has just awarded $1.3M in scholarships to nearly 70 students.

University of New Mexico

From Pilot Program to Statewide Initiative

The University of New Mexico (UNM) and Albuquerque Public Schools were the first Prepared To Teach partnership to embrace sustainable funding for teacher residencies. A grant through the National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR) seeded a pilot that brought the district, the university, and the teacher’s union, Albuquerque Teachers Federation, into weekly discussions to design and strengthen their model, which the district funded as part of its investment in a strong teacher workforce.

Over time, research on UNM candidates’ financial burdens through Prepared To Teach and an NCTR evaluation of the Albuquerque residency helped pave the way for a statewide investment in residencies. The 20-person residency in Albuquerque is now a 80+ person residency in 13 districts and charter schools.

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